What is SQL?
SQL stands for Structured Query Language also called See- Quel. This is a domain specific language used for programming and designed for managing data held in the relational database management system or simply the ( RDBMS ) and also for the stream processing in a Relational Database Management System or ,(RDBSMS). It is used for handling Structured Data. SQL consists of many types of statements which can be informally classed as Sublanguages : A Data Query Language, A Data Definition Language, A Data Control Language, and A Data Manipulation Language. The scope of SQL includes Data Query, Data Definition, Data Acess Control. SQL is a Declarative Language, it also includes procedural Elements. The first relational language to be utilized in E.F.Codd's relational model was SQL. That model was described in his influential paper of the late 1970's. Although it was not entirely adhered to the relational model described by E.F.Codd , it became the most widely used DATA...